
Interview Result

We interviewed four international students. They all know Japanese Manga. Two of them have never read Japanese Manga. But they have never been there. They said if they have a free time, they want to go to Manga Cafe. They seemed to be interented in it.

The others have read "bagabondo" and "doraemon". One likes historical comics the best, and he does not like fantasy comics. They have been to Manga Cafe in Nagakute, Sakae, Osu and Ozone. They often use Internet there. To our surprise, one student is a member of "kaikatsu CLUB". We will introduce about "kaikatsu CLUB" and other Manga Cafe below so if you are interested in them, we recommend you to go.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Good summary of your interview results. You should say, "we interviewed four international students". The last sentence of the first paragraph should be like "They seemed to be interested in it". The last sentence of the second paragraph should be like "We will introduce "Kaikatsu Club" ...below.

  2. Thank you very much for your comment. We corrected the sentences.
